Friday, November 12, 2010

لا تندم ::::: كلمات اعجبتني

                                             شكرا لاختي غلاهم من منتدى اوز السعوديه على هذي الكلمات


لا تندم على اهتمام صادق اعطيته لمن لم يقدره

فهذا افضل من ان تندم على انك منعت هذا الاهتمام عن شخص كان يحتاجه

لا تندم

لاتندم على وقت ضاع من عمرك فى تجربة تعلمت منها درسا مفيدا

فهذا افضل من ان تندم على ضياع عمرك كله دون ان تتعلم شىء


لا تندم على جرح كرامتك محاولا استعادة علاقة انسانية رفض الطرف الاخر اصلاحها

فهذا افضل من ان تندم على علاقة كنت انت السبب فى خسارتها


لا تندم على فرصة صنعت فيها الخير لشخص رده لك شرا

فهذا افضل من ان تندم على فرصة ضاعت لم تصنع فيها خيرا


لا تندم على غفران منحته من قلبك لمن اساء اليك بشدة فهذا

افضل من ان تندم على اساءة فعلتها انت فى حق شخص و لم يغفرها لك

Friday, September 3, 2010


Sometimes we really need to run away
Run away from everything that is around us
Run away from all our belongings
From all our feelings and all our memories
From all our defeats and our controversies
From all our pain and our ABCs
Run away from all our beloved ones

We need to run away to a world that doesn’t know us
To a world that doesn’t belong to us and has no relation
What so ever to us
A very far way world … deserted and alone
A world were everything in it doesn’t tie us with our reality
A world that doesn’t takes us back to our past
A world that its paths don’t know us
And its walls doesn’t suffocate us
Its places can’t penetrate our memories

A world for our own only
A world where we can make our all new memory
A world where we can in live within its paths with a new heart
A new mind and new feelings
A world capable of deleting our painful feelings
A world capable of sending us back to the real world with new feelings
all free from feeling lost ,and free from all sorrows and pains

Yeah I do need to run away to a world where no one belongs to
“ BUT ME “

this is how i am feeling lately and these are the screams that my heart and mind are trying to say ....
and this is what my soul begs for :(

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The hard lesson

hi everyone ... last night as i opened my email to check on my mail i found a very strange email ... it made me burts into tears of joy ( for the first time in more than two months ) ...
it was from an old friend who was in OZ with me ... i felt so happy especialy when i knew that after three years he still remmebers me and as the matter of fact he was so thrilled that he found me ...
his name is Fahed Alfahood :)

it is so nice when someone remembers you after so many years ... this is called loyalty ... people who ask about us from time are true people ... they are not fake and they do not take advantage of us ... they look for us and are not afraid to send asking about us ... not fearing that we might reject them ... these are true people

after that email i decided that a new life is waiting for me ... and i came to this conclusion and this decision that inside our poor minds we always think  and we always try to convince ourselves that we are important to someone in our life .... but there comes a time when all our dreams are chattered by the fact that this was only a BIG LIE ... and our expectations are not as we thought ....

what hurts me the most is that in the past he took all my attention and i worried for him and i missed him so much ....
but now what makes me feel proud of myself is that i dont feel towards him the same way .... he is history .. and i know that for sure that one day what he did to me will be done to him ...

 those who love me sincerly are those who deserve my love in return ...and those who only took my love as temporarly are of no importance to me and they do not deserve to be in my life anymore ...
i simply dont care anymore ...about those who were everything in my life and i was only just a passing by traveller ....

BUT I WILL CARE FOR AND CHERISH ...all those who were as close to me as my soul ... who stood by me in my darkest days and deepest pains ... and i will be greatful for all those who warmed my life and eased my suffering even if it was with just  a smile ... who wiped the tears from my eyes ... and those who guided me when i was burning , wondering and my heart was about to explode  ...

what i have past through is not only a simple shock ... it was a  huge disaster .... but this huge disaster becomes much smaller when i realize that I HAVE LEARNED A HARD LESSON in my life ....

and those who hurt us will learn their lesson oneday .....

thank you fahad alfahood for opening my eyes on life again ... its nice to have you back in my life again ....

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Many people come in and out of our lives , some stay longer than others and some and some stay for a short while . God has made life in such a way so as we can learn that nothing lasts forever , for even those who are to stay with us forever we are destined to be separated by death .... thats life .
when someone we love gets seriously sick we get sad but by time we realize that their sickness was somehow a blessing from allah to make their departure more easy ... coz we get the chance to spend more time with them till the last breath they take ...this is the goodbye that doesnt hurt us forever and we learn to live with that fate ... ( this is how merciful GOD is )

we all know and believe that nothing realy lasts forever ...
some people we know and get used to and love more than our souls ... we spend with them some sad moments but many happy moments ... they take a place not only in our life but in our souls and minds ... they become the air we breath and the hope that we live for .... many memories combine us and many promises are made between us .... promises that when the time has come and our paths are to be seperated .... a PERFECT GOODBYE must be said ....

by the change and the passing of time it is finally come to that stage of our lives when our roads are to be seperated ... we beleived all that time in this and we knew that this day will come someday ...we talked about its so much and we promised to make it less painful ....

suddenly one side decides that he just wants to leave ... just like that !!!! .. coz he has found his road and it was time to get off THAT TEMPORARILY ROAD ... and enter a road of his own :(
he got what he wanted and the hell with all the promises and the feelings and the emotions that he once GAVE ... THESE ARE THE FAKE PEOPLE

when they leave us we feel so torn apart ... we cry and we ache from deep inside ... we feel like fools and we feel low and unrespected ... we feel betrayed and stabbed in the heart by a knife ... the knife that what we once loved has decided to end this relationship with .... THAT IS HIS GOODBYE :(

he thinks that time will heal that wound .. but it doesnt !!!! we can never take out the knife coz our hearts will bleed to death .... and we cant leave the knife coz it will hurt us till death ... both ways we are destined to suffer until we die (KILLED) ...

sorry i cant write more coz my tears are preventing me from typing properly :( :( :(


Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

I miss u sweet sis :(

hey sweety april
ghadooda .. i knew u spent many hours online and it was something you loved doing . i am sorry i never came to see what u do online . i am sorry i didnt get this pleasure . i am here now and i wish you are here too . i just wanted to say i love u a lot and i miss our fights 2gther very much . plz get well and back soon so u can read this . i just want you to know I LOVE YOU SO MUCH .
Sadeem ( ur best enemy sis )

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Moony & Agony story ( A dead soldier )

hi dears ... from the magical world of OZ i had a lovely and amazing special friend who will always have a special place in my heart ... we wrote many nice things in that magical kingdom ... lately i have been making a special folder which i called FAIRY TALE MEMORIES ... which i put it in many of my past memories some were sad and many were happy i wilk share one of those topics as it happend ... i know that you will find many spelling and gramatical mistakes which i left on porpuse coz after all they make me smile just to c them and the nice memories that come with them >>> plz enjoy it 


in small vellage there was boy called Agony ... this boy was 17 years old ... there was war in tha doors ... waiting 4 this vellage ... as usual tha army picks tha young of males ... who their ages r above 17 ... Agony met prety girl who was called Moony ...

they liked eachother .. they planed to be friends at tha first .... with passing of time

feelings start to appear between them ... Agony knew that he gotta follow tha army

by force not by choice , so he planed to break any love's signs between them .. he planed to put off this love after he get back from tha war ..... Moony loved him .. she couldn't hide this feeling ... she felt that Agony changed suddenly ... so they met at thier favorite place .. beside tha rever .... he opened his heart 4 her & said ...

I got tired of hiddenness ….giving up my love 4 silence

silence is killing me .. u know I love 4 sure

My love .. I cann't hide this feeling anymore

Moony is 4 Agony ……as Agony is 4 Moony

2 souls combine together…..cuz we blong to eachother

Hug me with ur arm…..fill me with ur warm

from any kind of cold …..& take me to ur world

baby .. take my hand ……..from now til tha end

they didn't see each other after that day 4 one month .. Moony started to think that Agony doesn't love her .... in tha side Agony was get himself ready to join tha army ..

he believed that he gotta tell her somthing be4 he leave .. so he went to her ..

she looked at his eyes directly .. she saw a handsome soldier with army's uniform ...

he asked her to give him her hand .. so he put that letter in her hand & just left .....

plz try to understand me …..look at my eyes & see

tha words & feel em' by ur heart …..really did't know how to start

Plz don't love me ……dead that's how I'm gonna be

yeah , I'm close to tha end…..plz don't love me friend

it's time to forget me ……it's time to be free

plz don't cry 4 me & don't love me …..just forget that word is called we

sure , u deserve better …..we cann't be together

plz forget me friend…..I'm close to tha end

I don't deserve ur tears ……plz don't love me dear

I smell tha death …'s holdin my breath

it's gettin closer ……I cann't be further

I cann't run away…….I know it's my day

it's god wisedom & his order ……death comes to take tha soldier

it's true even tha soldier is weak…..can u see how soldier fraidly speak

death is stronger than everythings……death took tha weaks & even tha kings

I know it's time to become dead soldier…..I cann't change this , it's god wisdom & order

I feel guilt that u gonna be sad …..tha only thing that I cann't with stand

I know u may see that my words harsh …..but it's like fasten belt be4 crash

I don't wanna u to waiting 4 ……half dead soldier going to war

I wanna u get used to be without me … be able to move on flyin free


When u sent me the story and asked me to help u put a good ending to a it …..i was so thrilled …. I tried my best to break the sadness from ur story …..but I felt that AGONY had no right to ask MOONEY not to love him ….SO I DECIDED TO TEACH HIM A GOOD LESSON IN LIFE ….IT WAS A HARSH LESSON …..BUT IT’S LIKE FASTEN BELT BE4 THE CRASH !!!!!!!!!


Two years passed by ….and the war came to an end ….many had lost their lives …but AGONY had survived ….he was happy he was finally going home ….he missed his village , family and most of all he missed MOONY ….in his hand he held a small box ….that carried in it the most beautiful PEARL RING ….he planned to put on his sweethearts finger …..

The door was opened … and he was greeted warmly by MOONY’S parents ….they talked about his past two years ….. he showed them the box and the lovely PEARL RING….

They burst in tears and put in his hand a letter and left …..

With trembling hands he read ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


If you are reading these words now ….

You are probably asking WHY ? and HOW?

WHY ???....coz the damage done in the war field ….

Cozes the innocent back home to bleed ….

HOW??? spreading deadly chemicals and gun powder…

And killing many who really have no power….

I will not ask you “ plz don’t love me “……..Coz i know that in a lovers heart that can not be ….

And I can not ask you “ to forget me “………Coz its the thing that a lovers mind can not do ….

I will not ask you “to hold you tears”……coz a lover can not his two eyes stears ….

I can not ask you “ not to cry “……coz that’s what I would have done if it was you who die…


I want you “ TO IN GOD YOU TRUST “…’s not an asking but it’s a MUST ….

You have told me before that this is the day ….that nobody can from it ever run away…

Death doesn’t only come to take the soldier …but all creatures no matter small or older …

If you really loved me and all u said was not lies ….you should be strong and wise …

For as I close my eyes I see a handsome you dressed like a king ….

And right beside you AN ANGEL …and on her finger shines a nice PEARL RING …..

i miss you all :(

hi every body
sorry i have been a way lately ..but life realy takes us into its circle and we keep turning around and around and with every cycle we loose a dear person ... but we are going so fast that we have no time to stop the spinning ... and we have no chance to even streetch a hand to grab those who are leaving the circle ... when the wheel finally stops we discover that we are too dizzy to get back what we have lost ..
thats why we end up here .. in our bloggs traying as hard as we can to get back at least the memories that once were ...

i missed you all ... thats the bottom line :(

Friday, March 19, 2010


Tuesday, March 9, 2010



An old man lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa wakes up early and sitting at the kitchen table he reads his Quran.

His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, 'Grandpa! I try to read the Qur'an

just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I

forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur'an do?'
The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove

and replied, 'Take this coal basket down to the river and bring

me back a basket of water.

'The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house.

The grandfather laughed and said, 'You'll have to move a little

faster next time,' and sent him back to the river with the basket

to try again.

This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty

before he returned home.

Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.
The old man said, 'I don't want a bucket of water; I want a
basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough,'

And he went out the door to watch the boy try again.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would Leak out before he got back to the house.
The boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard, but

when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty.

Out of breathe, he said, 'See Grandpa, it's useless!'

'So you think it is useless?' The old man said, 'Look at the basket.' The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different.

It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now

clean, inside and out.

'Son, that's what happens when you read the Qur'an. You might

not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives

Sunday, February 28, 2010



today is a very special day in my blogg ...coz its the Birthday
of my sweet friend and sis PINK SPOT ...
she is so sweet , smart and funny ...i met her in OZ THE MAGICAL
PLACE ....we shared many nice memories there ... she is a dear friend
and a great ANGEL coz she always cared and without even asking
knew when i was sad or unhappy ....she helped me in many ways
even if she doesnt know that she did ... i call her AN ANGEL but she never
knew why ... its simply coz she is .... she can turn a tear magicaly into a smile
she never forgets anyone , loyal and above all she has high manners and ethics...
which in these days are so rare to be found ....
i can write on forever and never say enough about this cute and sweet person
coz no words will ever show just how i love her and how much she means to me ...
this is just a small way to tell her that ... and i hope she has a very prosperous lifE

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cute Quotes

April Girl Style 1

April Girl Style

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Library of Life ( by my wise pen )

The Library of Life
(by my wise pen )

“To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wondering about in a great library without touching the books.”(Dan Brown)

This phrase made me wonder how true that could be coz this life is like a huge library and everyday in this world is a word worth understanding. Every letter in that book is a moment in this world which has taught us a lesson. Every sentence is a unique experience that added a wide variety of meanings of what we have done and what we are going to do next.
And by the years passing by these moments are piled on bookshelves just waiting for us to read it and think of the greatness of this life.
We read history to learn from the faults and the glories of those who came before us and realize that it’s our turn to add to this collection a new book of our own.
This is what will remain of us at the end. The great achievements and great expectations that we plan for our life here on earth.
These books might be only papers and some words stacked there for us but they carry a deeper meaning.
It is not a sin to make mistakes and it’s not a big deal if we fail coz with every failure we learn the true meaning of success. Only those who read and acknowledge are the winners in the end.
We just need to know that the beauty of this world is in what we can know …and leave behind
For others to read and benefit.

the doc's report ( funny )


مديرون ؟؟؟؟؟ ام اسماك قرش ؟؟؟؟؟

مديرون .... أم أسماك قرش ؟

في كل منشأة يوجد موظفون مهملون كما يوجد رؤساء مزعجون, وفي كلتا الحالتين تجد أصابع
الاتهام تشير إلى الطرف الآخر , فالموظف المقصر يتهم رئيسه بإحباطه, فيما يشكو الروساء
من موظفين لا يؤدون مهامهم ويضيعون أوقات العمل ويسببون المشكلات , ولكن الحقيقة التي
تغيب عنا هي أن بعض الموظفين يحتاجون إلى التحفيز المستمر لينتجوا, وإذا كان بإمكاننا أن
نقيس بعض التجارب من عالم الأسماك !!
فدعونا نقرأ القصة التالية :

يحب اليابانيون الأسماك الطازجة ولكن المياه القريبة من شواطئهم ليس فيها عدد كاف من
الأسماك, لذا صنعت شركات صيد الأسماك سفناً كبيرة لتبحر إلى مناطق أبعد وتصطاد كمية أكبر
من الأسماك, إلا أن هذه السفن تحتاج إلى عدد من الأيام حتى تعود للشاطئ مما جعل الأسماك
التي تصل إلى السوق وهي غير طازجة فلا تروق للمستهلك الياباني, وللتغلب على هذه المشكلة
زودت شركات الصيد اليابانية سفنها بمجمدات للحفاظ على الأسماك وصار الصيادون يجمدون
الأسماك حتى عودتهم مما مكنهم من الذهاب إلى مناطق أبعد, ولكن ذلك لم يعجب المستهلك
الياباني الذي استطاع تمييز طعم السمك الطازج من السمك المجمد! فكرت الشركات مرة أخرى
بحل سريع لإرضاء ذوق المستهلك وابتكرت طريقة جديدة بأن زودت سفنها بخزانات مياه
لإبقاء الأسماك التي يتم اصطيادها حية حتى العودة وبالتالي بيعها وهي طازجة ,

فكرة رائعة أليس كذلك؟
ولكن الأسماك بعد فترة قصيرة من الحركة في خزانات الماء تبدأ بالتوقف عن
الحركة بسبب التعب والفتور مع أنها تبقى على قيد الحياة. المشكلة كانت في أن المستهلك
الياباني "الصعب" استطاع تمييز طعم السمكة التي تتوقف عن الحركة ولم يجد فيها طعم السمك
الطازج الذي يريده !!!

ترى لو كنت مسئولاً أو مستشاراً لدى إحدى شركات الصيد اليابانية فهل ستبحث عن حل جديد
أم تقول دعوا المستهلك يعترض فهو سيرضخ في النهاية؟ أم ستقود حملة إعلانية لإقناع
الزبائن بجودة الأسماك التي تتوقف عن الحركة؟
فكّر اليابانيون وتوصلوا إلى حل مبتكر وفعال
فقد وضعوا في كل خزان لحفظ الأسماك الحية "سمكة قرش" صغيرة !!
تقوم سمكة القرش بالتحرك والدوران في الخزان وتتغذى على بعض الأسماك الموجودة فيه
ولكنها تبعث الحيوية في بقية الأسماك التي تظل تتحرك إلى أن تعود السفينة إلى الشاطئ
فيصبح مذاقها طازجاً وكأنه تم اصطيادها للتو !

في عالمنا شبه كبير بعالم الأسماك فالملل والفتور الذي يصيب البعض منا في عمله ويجعلنا
نصف العديد من الموظفين بالمتقاعسين والكسالى سببه أنهم يفتقدون الدافع والحافز للعمل, فكل
منا بحاجة إلى تحديات تناسبه تكون دافعاً له على الحركة والتفكير والإبداع , وهذه التحديات
هي أسماك القرش التي يحتاجها بعض الموظفين ليحقق إنجازات تفوق قدراته المعتادة مما
يشعره بالإثارة والرضا ويحول العمل من وهم وواجب إلى متعة ومهمة شيقة, بيد أني أستدرك
وأقول للكاتب الذي ابدع في سرد تلك القصة الرائعة والتي تعطي درسا رائعا تطوير
الموارد البشرية, إننا لا نريد من الرؤساء والمديرين أن يكونوا أسماك قرش تفترس الموظفين
المساكين بالعقوبات والتكاليف الشاقة قبل أن تعطيهم حقهم من التدريب والتطوير ولكن نريدهم
أن يكونوا دافعهم إلى الإبداع والتطوير

Saturday, February 6, 2010

التنازلات الاسرائيلية المؤلمة ... بقلمي المجاهد

التنازلات المؤلمة !
الموضوع: من مقالاتي السياسية

أطرف ما في الموقف "الإسرائيلي" يتمثل في حديث هذا العدو، عندما يخوض المفاوضات مع أي بلد عربي، كما جرى
مؤخراً مع سوريا، وهي مفاوضات غير مباشرة تمت من خلال تركيا، عن "تنازلات مؤلمة" سوف تقدم عليها "إسرائيل" إذا ما تم التوصل إلى اتفاق.

هدف "إسرائيل" من وراء ذلك الظهور أمام العالم كأنها تعمل من أجل السلام، وهي في سبيل تحقيق هذا الهدف مستعدة للتضحية وتقديم "تنازلات مؤلمة"، وعلى الطرف الآخر مجاراتها والقيام بالمثل.

هذه الألعوبة "الإسرائيلية" التي تصدّقها الدول الغربية بحكم ما بينها وبين الكيان من مفاهيم وقيم مشتركة، باعتبار ما تمثله "إسرائيل" من وظيفة ومصلحة مشتركة في المنطقة منذ نشوء المشروع الصهيوني ومن ثم تحقيقه، هي في حقيقة الأمر تدليس على الحقيقة ونفي للشرعية الدولية وتكريس لمبدأ القوة و"البلطجة" على حساب الحق.

ف"إسرائيل" كيان توسع وعدوان وعنصرية منذ أقيمت، وقد احتلت فلسطين بفعل مؤامرة بين الصهيونية العالمية والاستعمار الغربي، ثم احتلت أراضي بعض الدول العربية من بينها مرتفعات الجولان بدعم غربي.

والذي يسمع قادة الكيان يتحدثون عن "تنازلات مؤلمة" يعتقد أن مرتفعات الجولان هي أرضهم فعلاً، وأنهم إذا ما انسحبوا منها إنما يتخلون عما يمتلكون وليس عما يحتلون.

وهي أرض صدرت بشأنها عشرات القرارات الدولية التي ترفض احتلالها وتدعو إلى الانسحاب منها بلا قيد أو شرط. لذا إذا ما أعادت "إسرائيل" مرتفعات الجولان، إنما تعيد الحق إلى أصحابه بموجب قرارات الشرعية الدولية، وهي بذلك لا تقدم شيئاً من كيسها، ولا تتنازل عن حق لها، لكن "التنازلات المؤلمة" الفعلية هي ما يقدمه الطرف الآخر لها تطبيقاً لمبدأ "الأرض مقابل السلام"، حيث يتم الاعتراف بكيان غير شرعي والقبول به كأمر واقع.

والأهم والأخطر من هذا كله أن هذا الاعتراف يعني الاعتراف الضمني باحتلال جزء من فلسطين والتنازل عن حقوق وطنية وقومية وتاريخية ودينية. "التنازلات المؤلمة" هي التنازلات العربية بما تعنيه من تطبيع شامل وإسقاط للصراع العربي - "الإسرائيلي" وقبول بعدو قومي ومنحه الشرعية الرسمية.

لذلك فإن حديث قادة الكيان المتكرر عن "تنازلات مؤلمة" يقصد بها حمل العرب على الإذعان لشروطهم، ووضع حد نهائي لأية مقاومة أو ممانعة ترفض الأمر الواقع "الإسرائيلي" أو تسعى إلى تغييره.

مهما يكن من أمر، فالكيان الصهيوني لا يرغب في تسوية أو سلام، والمفاوضات التي يريدها، سواء أكانت مباشرة أم غير مباشرة، إنما هي لكسب الوقت وفرض المزيد من الأمر الواقع، لأن طبيعته العدوانية التوسعية والإلغائية تتعارض مع السلام، ومع كل ما له علاقة بشيء اسمه حقوق أو شرعية.

Friday, February 5, 2010


hi there everyone ....

this is one of the storries that i loved as a kid ...not coz its nice only but coz as usual it had a great moral behind it ...i don't know if any of you heard it before ... well let me remind those who know it and tell it to those who didn't usual ENJOY reading it with my aprilgirl style

in a farm far away in time there lived a bunch of country mice ... but these mice werent happy at all ...coz every time they sneaked out to get food a wild cat stood outside waiting to catch one of them ...the cat would sneak up on them without them realizing it was there and even as they all ran fast of them was a victim ....

one day they made a meating to discuss the ways to avoid been eaten by that cat ...

many ideas come up but the best was the one that they should hang a bell around the cats neck so they can hear it when it is near ....

it was an idea that they all agreed upon .... and thought it was amazingly great ... but there as one obstical ....WHO WOULD HANG THE BELL ??? .... who is the brave one who would do it ???
no one stepped forward to accomplish this daring mission .... they were all afraid to do it ...

and so they decided that things are to stay as it is .... and agreed to sacrifice one of them each time they went out to feed .... until they all vanished into the wild cats stomach ....

THE MORAL ....The things you live regreting are the risks you didn't take in your life ...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A very insulting parrot ( funny story )

A very insulting parrot

This elderly lady, recently widowed, decides to see if a pet will ease her loneliness and goes to the pet store. She decides against puppies, kitties, etc., and is about to leave the store when she hears a voice saying, "My, do you look lovely this afternoon, madam."

She turns around quickly to see who has spoken, but there is no one. All she sees is a big green parrot, resting on his perch in his cage. "Did you say that?" she asks.

"Why, yes, I did!" he replies. "And may I add that dress is a very nice color for you."

The lady suddenly realizes how nice it would be to not only have a talking parrot, but one that paid such nice compliments. So she pays for him and takes him home. On the way, she says, "You know, I am so proud of you that I believe I'll take you out for dinner! Would you like that?"

The parrot says, "Why yes, that would be delightful. I know a charming place on 7th Street."

So they arrive home and the lady progresses upstairs to her room to change for dinner, bringing the parrot along, of course. When the woman enters the building, the parrot begins complaining, swearing, and even bit her once.

Well, the woman is flabbergasted! She grabs the parrot by the throat, marches down the stairs into the basement, and stuffs the parrot in the freezer. She leaves him there in the freezer for five long minutes before taking him back out. The parrot is very cold.

She says, "Well? Have you learned your lesson? I will not tolerate such language in my house!"

The parrot says, "Okay, okay, I promise it won't happen again. I am deeply sorry."

Within five minutes, he is cursing again and bit her once on the arm and once on the finger.

The lady is absolutely stunned. She rips the parrot out of his cage, goes down the stairs, into the cellar, and, slam, into the freezer. This time, she leaves him in there for fifteen minutes.

When she finally takes him out, the parrot is one step away from death. He is shivering and has light frost on the beak. "I swear it will never ever happen again! I will never insult you again! I promise!" As he thaws, he looks up at the lady and says, "I do have one question though. That turkey in there, what'd he do, attack you?"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



Most people think that self respect comes by how we look from the outside, what we wear and how well we follow every new mode.
But actually self respect comes from our ability to see ourselves from deep inside. And from my point of view I think we achieve that by doing the following:-
• Never give ourselves the impression that we are not beautiful or handsome, but on the contrary we should always think that everyone of us is special in some way.
• We should never feel guilty when we see the bodies of the fashion models or the famous actors.
• We should also never run after fashion magazines and newest fashion, wear anything that’s not suitable just because it’s the fashion. We should always try to create our own fashion that suites us and makes us different from others.
• Remember that the strength of our personality comes from the strength of our thinking. Always look at ourselves in a positive way so others will see us in the same way.
• We should try working on and improving the positive side in ourselves coz people always know who and what we really are the minute they see us.
• If we are the nagging selfish and all the other negative person , we should try working hard on changing that hardly , because these things make our life miserable and all emptiness and we won’t be able to socialize with others .
• We shouldn’t let those bad habits control our life; we should free ourselves from them so we can be able to reach horizons we never dreamt of reaching.
• We should always celebrate with ourselves on every achievement we accomplish in life, and try enjoying what we already have, and never be sorry on what we don’t have.
• We should be happy with our beauty and show it and not get upset from how you look.
• If there is anything we would like to do that will make us happy we should just go ahead and do it without hesitation.
As you see self respect is an internal feeling so how we feel about ourselves determines our self respect , only we can give ourselves that feeling .
All we have to do is sit with our self for a moment think about our self and what we want to do for the rest of our lives.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chocolate Ice-Cream ( nice story )

في أحد الأيام دخل صبي يبلغ من العمر 10 سنوات الى مقهى
وجلس على الطاوله ، فوضعت الجرسونة كأساً من الماء أمامه
فسئل الصبي : بكم آيسكريم بالكاكاو ؟
أجابته : بخمس ريالات ..
فأخرج الصبي يده من جيبه وأخذ يعد النقود
فسألها مرة أخرى : حسنا ً وبكم الآيسكريم لوحده فقط بدون كاكاو ؟
في هذه ِ الأثناء كان هناك الكثير من الزبائن ينتظرون خلو طاوله
في المقهى للجلوس عليها
فبدأ صبر الجرسونه بالنفاذ ،
فأجابته بفظاظه : بـ أربع ريالات
فعد الصبي نقوده وقال :
سآخذ الايسكريم العادي
فأحضرت الجرسونة له الطلب ، ووضعت فاتورة الحساب على الطاولة وذهبت
أنهى الصبي الآيسكريم ودفع حساب الفاتورة وغادر المقهى
وعندما عادت الجرسونة إلى الطاولة إغروقت عيناها بالدموع أثناء مسحها للطاوله
حيث وجدت بجانب الطبق الفارغ .. ريال واحد
أترون .. لقد حرم الصبي نفسه الآيسكريم بالكاكاو
حتى يوفر لنفسه ريالا ً يكرم به الجرسونة

Pictures speak better than words

The Battle Within ( from my pen )

I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies.


When GOD created Adam and Eve and gave them all they will
Ever need just close to his side in heaven … he ordered and forbid
Them to approach or eat from a certain tree
But with one word from “Iblees- the DEVIL “they forgot the promise
And the deal and they disobeyed GOD …

Having done this and feeling ashamed of what they had done…Adam
Asked GOD for forgiveness …, which he immediately got, but they were
Sent out of heaven to a world where they and all their children will suffer
And endure until the end of time ….
And Iblees was sent down with them too Coz he had challenged GOD to seduce
Them all and GOD in return promised to fill HELL with them all …

Since that time MANKIND had fought for Food, shelter, lands, wealth and honor
And had defeated and conquered them all …
He has proven that there is nothing that the Human race cannot do …
He discovered that with every challenge he had taken upon himself…
And after every fight, he had won …
He had grown stronger and wiser
The more he won, the more he desired for more victories …
The victories mad him feel more dominant, great and powerful …
He was the undefeated free hero of time and place …

But little does he remember that inside all this glamorous shining
Victory … he had lost his first battle ….
The battle against himself …and his inner desires …
And until he wins THE BATTLE WITHIN, he will be destined to stay
A slave all his life …
And MAN’S worst and undefeated ENEMY will always be
His own self ….

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why Beauty and the Beast is my favorit story

Why Beauty and the Beast is my favorit story
( from my heart and by my pen )

Many of my friends wonder why i love the story or Beauty and the Beast
from all the stories and fairy tales that have ever been told .

i love this story very much coz it was the first story i read by myself
as a child . I remembered just loving the cover and the strange picture
with this beautiful girl hugging that beast .

as i read it i felt so amazed by the great magic it has in it . its a
lovely romantic story that hides inside its contents a greater moral
and lesson .

is the question that this lovely enchanted story is here to answer .

Belle ( beauty in french ) is being imprisoned by the scary beast
who has been turned to beast by a spell when he refused to help a
needed ugly women who stood by his door years ago . and the spell would
only be broken if he could let a beautiful gilr love him ....

Belle loves to read a lot and she is smart ....and by time she discovers
that there is a sweet person hidden under that scary and ugly beast face.

the best part in this story is the GIFT that BEAST offers to BELLE . To me
it is the best gift ever ....and not only do i think so but Belle shares
with me this ^_^

By realizing that beauty is from within the spell is broken ...and Beast
turns back to a handsom prince ....

Belle isn't like any other disney or fair tale princess who fell love with
the handsom prince ...and she isn't like any other living girl today
she is a wise girl who knows to look deeper into peoples souls and extract
the beauty from it ....
I am sure that many of you don't know what the GIFT that BEAST gave to BELLE
thats why i have embeded the youtube video bellow this post for eveyone
to see ....

i hope you all enjoy it .....thank you

Saturday, January 23, 2010

قضيتي بقلمي .... زمن السفيه والسيد

قضيتي .... زمن السفيه والسيد

الدكتور طه حسين ( عميد الأدب العربي ) – الدكتور نجيب محفوظ ( الحائز على جائزة نوبل الأدبية ) –
الكتورة نوال السعداوي ( المرشحة من قبل الغرب ان تكون رئيسة للجمهورية المصرية )
الدكتور سيد القمني ( الحائز في نهاية شهر يونيو الماضي على جائزة الدوله التقديرية والذي قلده اياه وزير
الثقافة المصري )

وغيرهم من النجوم العربيه التي سطعت في سماء عالم الجوائز الدولية والفخرية العالمية والمحلية ... لما قدموه
للبشرية من افكار واعمال ....
صحيح انهم سطعوا ولمعوا من سمائنا ... الا انا شعاعهم لم يراه الا كل اعمى للبصيرة والقلب ...
اعمالهم وافكارهم نالت استحسان العالم الغربي واليهودي والعلماني والملحد والشيوعي ....
فتمت مكافئتهم من قبل ابناء الشياطين لجرأتهم وحرية فكرهم ...
وتقدمهم على باقي بني جنسهم المتهم بالرجعية والتخلف
والأرهاب الفكري ( الدين ) والسلوكي ( الجهاد )

لقد استحقوا الجوائز والتقدير بسبب افكارهم واعمالهم التي طالت قضايا دينية اسلامية ...
لقد استحقوا هذه الجوائز ليس لما قدموه من فائدة للديانة التي فطروا عليها ...
بل لما قدموه من خدمات للعلمانيه والالحادية والماركسية والشيوعية وغيرها من قرون الشيطان
التي شكلتها اليهودية والنصرانية الباطلة

لماذا يلجاء الغرب لتكريم هؤلاء ويشجعوهم على حرية الفكر .... وبالمقابل يقوم بسجن وتكذيب
وتعذيب وقتل كل من انكر المحرقة من بعيد او قريب ؟؟؟؟
لماذا يتم منع جوائز الأوسكار ان تمنح لأفلام " كشيفرة دافينشي " " وملائكة وشياطين "
والتي تشير الى تورط اليهود في تضليل النصارى وتحريف دينهم ... واقناعهم ان عيسى هو الله
او ابن الله ( استغفر الله )
والفلم الذي استعرض آخر ساعات عيسى عليه السلام والذي يشير الى تورط اليهود بصلبه وتعذيبه
( طبعا بالنسبة لنا فهو رفع للسماء )

اعزائي ... قضيتي ليست هنا ...قضيتي هي كيف اننا نحن المسلمين ( اغلبنا ) نصفق ونفخر بهؤلاء ...
بينما نحارب ونقوم بسجن وتعذيب كل من نادى بالجهاد والحجاب والعودة الى الله واتباع هدي رسوله
بل نعتبره متخلفا ورجعيا وارهابيا !!!!!

هذه هي قضيتي وقضيتكم وقضية المسلين اجمعين ....التي اختمها بعبارة
استوقفتني من زمان
أيا زمنا غريبا اصبح السفيه سيدا والسيد سفيها...متى تقلب الموازيين
ليصبح السفيه سفيها والسيد سيدا**
تم نشرها بقلمي في موقع
واذا وجدت بأي موقع آخر فهي سرقة ادبيه

اسرار لا نعرفها عن الملائكة ( from my email )

بثت قناة الفجر الفضائية ليلة الجمعة معلومة جميلة جداً عن الملائكة التي تحيط بالإنسان أثناء يومه وعلمت أن رحمة الله بعباده في كل شيء حتى في النوم , وهذه المعلومة قالها الشيخ عبد الباسط , عضو لجنة الإعجاز العلمي والحقيقة

قال إن الملائكة التي تحيط بالإنسان

عددها(10) وتتبدل في وقت الفجر ووقت العصر , والله سبحانه وتعالى يسأل ملائكته وقت انتهاء عمل ملائكته وقت الفجر كيف تركتم عبادي , فترد الملائكة وتقول: تركناهم يصلون , لذلك ينصح دائماً بصلاة البردين الفجر والعصر وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: من ترك صلاة العصر حبط عمله .

وقد جعل الله عشرة أنواع من ملائكة تحيط بالإنسان كالتالي :

ملكين ملك عن اليمين وملك عن اليسار , الملك اليمين ليكتب الحسنات الملك الشمال ليكتب السيئات ولكن حين يفعل الإنسان سيئة يقول ملك اليمين لملك اليسار اكتب هذه السيئة, فيرد ملك اليسار ويقول

أمهله لعله يستغفر, فإذا استغفر الإنسان لا يكتبها له .

ملكين ملك أمام الإنسان وملك خلفه ,

حتى يدفع عنه السيئة التي تصيبه وتحفظه, مثال لذلك : كالذي تصيبه سيارة وينجوا من الحادث , هذه الملائكة تحفظ هذا الإنسان , ولكن إذا كتب الله سبحانه وتعالى أن يموت في الحادث باللوح المحفوظ فسوف يموت.

ملك على الجبين : للتواضع وعدم الكبر.

ملكين على الشفتين : ملك على الشفة العليا و ملك على السفلى وهم مفوضين هذين الملكين لتسجيل الصلاة على الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم فقط وليس لغرض أخر .

ملكين على العينين : وهم لغض البصر وحماية العينان من الأذى وكما يقول المثل العامي المصري العين عليها حارس.

و أخيرا ملك على البلعوم : لأنه ممكن أن يدخل في فم النائم أي شيء يؤذيه فالله سبحانه وتعالى جعل ملك يحرس البلعوم حتى إذا دخل أي شيء بفم النائم ممكن أن يلفظه تلقائياً.

رب اغفر لي ولوالدي ولوالد والدي وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات

الأحياء منهم والأموات يوم يقوم الحساب

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

رأى النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام وهو في السماء في رحله المعراج ملائكة يبنون قصراً لبنه من ذهب ولبنه من فضه ثم رآهم وهو نازل قد توقفوا عن البناء فسأل لماذا توقفوا ؟ قيل له إنهم يبنون القصر لرجل يذكر الله فلما توقف عن الذكر توقفوا عن البناء في انتظار أن يعاود الذكر ليعاودوا البناء داوموا على ذكر الله ولا تتوقفوا

سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Work is like that ( looool )

Work is like that

There are 2 people always next to you :

1. The (Manager), smiling pleasantly to hide evil intentions!

2. The (Team Leader), busy figuring out what work to dump on you next .....

and, there 's YOU, who struggles with it all



Just think and answer these questions …

Who are the first five millionaires this year?
What are the names of the miss universe for the past 7 years …???
Who are the winners of the Nobel Prize for the past ten years?
Who are the winners of the Oscars for the past 15 years???...

If you can’t answer those questions its ok …they are hard one remembers …

Now answer these questions plz ..
Give the names of three teachers who left a great affect in your life???
Name three friends who stood by you in your worst of times …???
Name 5 persons in your life that made you feel great?
Name 5 people you like to spend time with..??

Now these are very easy questions …aren’t they???

The people who mean a lot to us in this world...aren’t listed as the best in the world …they didn’t win prizes …and aren’t listed as the richest people in the world …their names aren’t on the hall of fame in any place

They are the people who look after about us...challenge all odds to stand by us when we need them the most …they are the souls that meet our souls in a very strange way …years after we had been departed ..

To me they are the true SOUL MATES …coz they shared with us our past ,and are living with us our present even if they are not among us and their memories will be with us in the future …
They are the people who although we are far from them feel that we ask for them …and we miss them even if they are living among us …

i once read an article that talked about this strange story :
During the Seattle Olympics there were nine contestants, they were all mentally and physically retarded .they stood together at the start of the 100 meters running contest...during the race one of the contestants fell down and tumbled on the running field...and started crying...the other eight when they saw him …slowed down then they all stopped and went back to him..And one of them...a Mongolian girl hugged him and said: “are you feeling better now???”
They all rose up and hand in hand they walked to the finish line …all the crowds who saw that clapped and cheered them for a very long time …

The people who saw that incident still remember and tell it …WHYYYYYY?????

What is more important in this world is to be able to help others to win even if that meant slowing down a bit …looking back …and changing our destination …


This is how I believe in soul mates ….and I know that I have so many soul mates in this world …and I wish to be a soul mate to others …..

أسئلة غبية وأجوبة أغبى

أسئلة غبية وأجوبة أغبى

س1 ما هو وجه التشابه بين الكومبيوتر و التاكسي و الحفرة ؟
ج1 الكومبيوتر حاسب الي ....... التاكسي حاسب ياراكب ...... الحفرة حاسب لاتقع

س2 ما هي قمة الحيرة ؟
ج2 أن يقال لك اجلس في زاوية غرفة مستديرة

س3 ما هي قمة الذكاء ؟
ج3 هو أن تجد زاوية الغرفة

س4 ما هي قمة الألم ؟
ج4 التزحلق على زحلاقة مغطاة بشفرات حلاقة و شظايا الزجاج

س5 ما هي قمة العذاب ؟
ج5 السقوط بعد ذلك في حوض به كلونيا

س6 ما هي قمة الأدب ؟
ج6 أن تطرق باب الثلاجة قبل فتحها

س7 ما هي قمة الذهول ؟
ج7 أن يفتح أحدهم لك الباب

س8 كيف تضع 4 أفيال في سيارة فولكس ؟
ج8 أثنين قدام وأثنين في الخلف

س9 كيف تضع 8 أفيال في سيارة مرسيدس ؟
ج9 نبيع المرسيدس ونشتري سيارتين فولكس

س10 كيف نضع فيل في الثلاجة على ثلاث مراحل؟
ج10 1ـ نفتح الثلاجة 2ـ ندخل الفيل في الثلاجة 3ـ بغلق الثلاجة

س11 كيف نضع زرافة في الثلاجة على أربع مراحل؟
ج11 1ـ نفتح الثلاجة 2ـ نخرج الفيل 3ـ ندخل الزرافة 4ـ نغلق الثلاجة

س12 ما هو الشيء الذيي ننام عليه ونجلس فوقه ونغسل به أسناننا ؟
ج12 السرير و الكرسي و فرشاة الأسنان

س13 مالذي له رأسان وثمانية أقدام ؟
ج13 قطتان

س14 كيف تستطيع أن تعرف بأن 8 أفيال متواجدون داخل فندق الشيراتون بدون أن تدخل الفندق ؟
ج14 أعرفهم أذا وجدت سيارتي فولكس في مواقف الفندق

س15أحترقت حديقة الحيوانات فاحترقت جميع الحيوانات ما عد الزرافة لماذا؟
ج15 لأننا وضعنا الزرافة في الثلاجة

س16 لماذا نشرب الشاي ؟
ج16 لأننا لا نستطيع أن نأكله

س17 ما الفرق بين نملة عمرها سنة وفيل عمره 31 سنة ؟
ج17 الفرق هو 30 سنة

س 18 يتكلم بكل لغات العالم فمن هو ؟
ج 18 صدى الصوت

س19 ما الشيء الذي نفعله قبل خروج المنزل ؟
ج19 أن نكون داخل المنزل

س20 أذا سقطة بيضة في البحر ماذا يحدث لها ؟
ج20 تبلل بماء البحر