اليوم الاحد يوافق مرور شهر عل وفاة امي الغاليه رحمها الله
شهر من العذاب والمعاناة ::: شهر من الدموع والحزن
احزان فوق احزان :::: والقلب ما عاد يحتمل
A month has passed since my dear mom has passed away ::: and the tears has not stopped since
i miss my mom so much and i wish it was me who died ::: i never thought it would be so quick
she went so fast ::: it has been almost three years since her cancer started ::: and the agony of the
past years ended with the greatest loss to our house
i cant stop crying and my heart is so tired ::::: i feel like a big part of me has been taken away
i am glad that the year 2010 has ended ::: it has been the worst year of my life
i have lost so many things in that year ::: and so many people i loved
it has been a very hard year ::: but i have learned so many lessons from it
i am so tired and i dont think i will be strong enough to move on
have nothing to say coz all that was in me was stolen leaving me lost and confused
sorry i will be back maybe one day to say what i want in a better way