Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chocolate Ice-Cream ( nice story )

في أحد الأيام دخل صبي يبلغ من العمر 10 سنوات الى مقهى
وجلس على الطاوله ، فوضعت الجرسونة كأساً من الماء أمامه
فسئل الصبي : بكم آيسكريم بالكاكاو ؟
أجابته : بخمس ريالات ..
فأخرج الصبي يده من جيبه وأخذ يعد النقود
فسألها مرة أخرى : حسنا ً وبكم الآيسكريم لوحده فقط بدون كاكاو ؟
في هذه ِ الأثناء كان هناك الكثير من الزبائن ينتظرون خلو طاوله
في المقهى للجلوس عليها
فبدأ صبر الجرسونه بالنفاذ ،
فأجابته بفظاظه : بـ أربع ريالات
فعد الصبي نقوده وقال :
سآخذ الايسكريم العادي
فأحضرت الجرسونة له الطلب ، ووضعت فاتورة الحساب على الطاولة وذهبت
أنهى الصبي الآيسكريم ودفع حساب الفاتورة وغادر المقهى
وعندما عادت الجرسونة إلى الطاولة إغروقت عيناها بالدموع أثناء مسحها للطاوله
حيث وجدت بجانب الطبق الفارغ .. ريال واحد
أترون .. لقد حرم الصبي نفسه الآيسكريم بالكاكاو
حتى يوفر لنفسه ريالا ً يكرم به الجرسونة

Pictures speak better than words

The Battle Within ( from my pen )

I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies.


When GOD created Adam and Eve and gave them all they will
Ever need just close to his side in heaven … he ordered and forbid
Them to approach or eat from a certain tree
But with one word from “Iblees- the DEVIL “they forgot the promise
And the deal and they disobeyed GOD …

Having done this and feeling ashamed of what they had done…Adam
Asked GOD for forgiveness …, which he immediately got, but they were
Sent out of heaven to a world where they and all their children will suffer
And endure until the end of time ….
And Iblees was sent down with them too Coz he had challenged GOD to seduce
Them all and GOD in return promised to fill HELL with them all …

Since that time MANKIND had fought for Food, shelter, lands, wealth and honor
And had defeated and conquered them all …
He has proven that there is nothing that the Human race cannot do …
He discovered that with every challenge he had taken upon himself…
And after every fight, he had won …
He had grown stronger and wiser
The more he won, the more he desired for more victories …
The victories mad him feel more dominant, great and powerful …
He was the undefeated free hero of time and place …

But little does he remember that inside all this glamorous shining
Victory … he had lost his first battle ….
The battle against himself …and his inner desires …
And until he wins THE BATTLE WITHIN, he will be destined to stay
A slave all his life …
And MAN’S worst and undefeated ENEMY will always be
His own self ….