Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Books :: our best friends

The famous Walt Disney once said:" that there is more treasure in books

than the entire pirate's loot on treasure island"

What a great quote that is ::: because its 100 % true

As young kids our parents always told us that the book is the best friend

Many times we asked them : " WHY ?"

Because it teaches you good things and it is very useful" they replied"

But is this the real reason why books are our best friends???

Today i discovered an amazing fact as I was cleaning the library

In our house where every book and novel I ever read stands

Every book I put down to wipe the dust from it

opened its pages as if it was trying to hug me

( I know its silly but this made me smile just thinking like that )

By curiousity I started taking the books and turning the pages one by one

And began reading ::: I do not how much time it took me

But I was amazed how the day passed without me noticing

This is what I love about books , they have magic in them to make time

Stand still or they can retreat us to the past or make us fly to the future

As I was putting them back on the shelves a great thought came to me

That books are really better than any friend we may ever have

Because which friend can open his arms to us after a long time of separation


Which friend can forgive us for neglecting him or her for so long ???

Which friend can stay unchanged after a long time we didn’t see ???

Books never blame us for leaving ::: they are always there as we left them

They do not betray us ::: they do not leave us its us that leaves them

And when we have no one to go to they are always there unchanged

How many times did they put us to sleep ???

How many times did they amuse us ???

As I wiped away the dust from them I could feel them sparkle with delight

And as I turned the pages with my hand I could hear them giggle

And as I was stacking them back on the shelves I could

hear them whispering: " please don’t forget us "

you open any book just notice how its hands are stretching just to every time

Hug you and say: "hey friend I will always be here for you no matter what"

And I trust their word on that !!!!

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